5 Things That Affect Cyber Security In Small Businesses

5 Things That Affect Cyber Security In Small Businesses

Business computers and servers are being compromised more frequently, and good security policies are essential. Lax employee security habits are often a contributing factor in hackers gaining access to sensitive business information. Being a small business owner is challenging, and you have invested time, money, energy, and heart into building your company. You can't afford to risk having your sensitive files being compromised because employees don't take security measures seriously. Setting strong security policies and training employees to follow them is crucial.

  1. Establish Cyber Security Rules

    Provide all employees with a detailed list of rules which describe how they are to secure and protect all sensitive company and personnel information. Penalties for noncompliance should be spelled out clearly. Employees need to understand that violation of cyber security policies will not be tolerated because they place the company's future at risk.

  2. Passwords

    Hundreds of blog articles and news stories have addressed the problem of weak passwords, and yet the most popular password in 2015 was 123456. You might wonder how it is possible for anyone to be careless, especially with all the cautions issued regarding strong passwords, but it is probably happening in your business with your employees. Many people use their birthdays, anniversaries, and other personal dates as passwords, and don't change them for two or three years. When you realize your employees can put their full name, birthday, and place of employment on their social media pages, you can understand how easy it is for hackers to get an individual's personal information. If they are able to figure out an employee's password, it becomes a simple step to accessing your whole system. In your security policy, mandate passwords must be a random combination of at least 11 upper and lower case letters, numerals, and symbols. Requiring tough passwords may save your company from a serious data breach.

  3. Malware Protection

    Excellent malware and anti-virus protection is available for download online. Even if your budget is stretched to the limit, there are good free software options that provide protection for your business. Don't neglect this important security need.

  4. Teach Employees Not To Click

    The old saying, "curiosity killed the cat," can easily be reworded to "employee curiosity killed our system." It is necessary to train employees about the dangers associated with clicking on email attachments. If you do not have an IT person on staff, bring in a tech from the company that services your computers to explain security to your employees. You'll have to pay him or her, but it's a small amount compared to repairing your computer system if it becomes infected with a virus or is hacked, and sensitive client, personnel, and business documents are lost or stolen.

  5. Recognizing Mobile Dangers

    Mobile devices are highly susceptible to security threats. Malware can cause problems for mobile devices and is usually attached to free applications. Once downloaded, hackers can act quickly to compromise security and steal sensitive data. Be sure employees are instructed not to connect their devices to public or risky networks. Public Wi-Fi is the most dangerous place to connect a mobile device. Never conduct banking, pay bills, or make purchases on public Wi-Fi. Instruct employees they are only to use trusted devices and secure networks due to the serious risk of hackers stealing sensitive data.

It's important to educate all employees on the seriousness of cyber security. As an employer you have a right to instruct employees in security measures and expect compliance. If you do not have a cyber security policy for your employees, have one written immediately. Don't place the future of your company in the hands of hackers.

Network Access cyber security services address every facet of the security puzzle.  We’re here to answer your questions and provide you with personal, one-on-one support. To learn more about our cyber security solutions, contact us, or call 412-931-1111 today.