The Homeless Homebuyer

The Homeless Homebuyer

Cyber Security Awareness Training that is actually engaging and entertaining!

Watch a sample video by clicking this link: The Homeless Homebuyer by NINJIO.

NINJIO is an I.T. Security Awareness training company focused on engaging end users. In short, they produce 3-4-minute-long animated story based episodes featuring real security incidents that educate by engaging employees about the dangers that exist in cyber security.

Episodes are released every 30 days and feature the most current and prolific security threats.

Cyber Security Awareness Training is a requirement of every compliance framework from HIPPA and PCI to FINRA and FFIEC.  It is even a question that is asked on your Cyber Liability Insurance application.

Click the link to view video: The Homeless Homebuyer by NINJIO.

Learn more about how our NetWatchman experts can protect you from hackers attacking your finances by contacting Bob Famiglietti at 412.931.1111 or by filling out this form to schedule a consultation.