BREAKING NEWS: Kaseya Hit with “Sophisticated Cyberattack” 4th of July Weekend

URGENT: In recent news over the weekend, a large Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) vendor has been hit with Ransomware. Not only has this attack affected several MSPs across the globe, but it has also trickled down to their clients.

The purpose of this message is to communicate that Network Access does not use any of the affected software, or any other software suites offered by Kaseya.

5 Reasons Why Ransomware is so Rampant Right Now

Ransomware attacks continue to pose significant risks against all types of businesses. These cybercriminals use a variety of methods to trick unsuspecting employees into downloading ransomware and encrypting valuable information. Understanding how to stay proactive against these threats is essential in keeping your business safe.

Impact of Ubiquiti’s Data Breach

Ubiquiti is one of the leading vendors of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the cloud. Unfortunately, Ubiquiti was the victim of a data breach that exposed confidential information from customer accounts. A whistleblower within the company accuses Ubiquiti of massively downplaying the incident to reduce the hit to their stock price.

Two-Factor Authentication: Don’t Remote in Without It!

A survey by Paychex recently found that 68 percent of small business leaders remain unworried about their digital security. If you need proof, you can just look at the passwords they and their employees use. According to SecureAuth, a staggering 81 percent of Americans use the same passwords for multiple accounts, the majority of which are unimaginative old standbys like “1234567,” “qwerty,” and “password.